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“Body After Baby” is a complete ramp-up program designed specifically for the postpartum period. Although the program focuses on exercises that will help heal diastisis recti, strengthen the pelvic floor and tighten the core, it is still an excellent program for everyone!




“Body After Baby” is a 12 week program broken into 6-two week long phases. Each phase slowly increases in impact and intensity allowing you to build strength and endurance before moving to more advanced moves. Each week contains three days of strength workouts alternating with three days of cardio workouts. The seventh day can be used for a rest or stretch day. Each workout is only 24-30 minutes and requires no equipment.


The program also includes a nutrition plan complete with sample meal plans. The nutrition plan takes breastfeeding moms into account and leaves out the guesswork of knowing if you are fueling your body with enough nutrients to keep your supply up while nursing. 


The guide is an instant PDF download which will allow you to get started on your fitness journey right away and the ability to pull it up on your phone, tablet, or computer leaves you with no excuses to stay on track since you can take it with you anywhere!


Included in the program is:

- 12 weeks of workouts

- Nutrition Guide

- Sample Meal Plans

- Private Demo Video Library

- Facebook Accountability & Support Group


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